Visual Indicators

Y2 - Visual Indicators
(5) Visual indicators provide an economical way to know at a glance when a filter element needs to be replaced. Schroeder pointers use a tri-color disk to indicate the element condition. The pointer will reach the red section just before bypassing occurs. /Asset/1365-Schroeder-GAUGE-ASSY-BOTTOM-Y2-AND-FITTING.jpg
D5 - Visual Indicators
(25) Orange Pop Up Visual Indicator /Asset/1593-Schroeder-INDICATOR-VISUAL-D5-10-LATCHING.jpg
D9 - Visual Indicators
(12) Stainless Steel version of Orange Pop Up Visual Indicator (D5) /Asset/1595-Schroeder-INDICATOR-VISUAL-D9-15-SS-LATCHING.jpg
D8 - Visual Indicators
(11) Orange Pop Up Visual Indicator with Thermal Lock-out /Asset/1594-Schroeder-INDICATOR-VISUAL-D8-30-THERMAL.jpg
D10 - Visual Indicators
(11) The electrical indicators (MS Series) provide an electrical signal for activating various electric alarm systems or complete machine shutdown. These cartridge-style indicators are available on most Schroeder pressure, return line, and medium pressure filters and can be used for working pressures up to 5000 psi (345 bar) and cyclic conditions up to 4000 psi (276 bar). /Asset/1455-Schroeder-H_L-Family.jpg
(16) The electrical indicators (MS Series) provide an electrical signal for activating various electric alarm systems or complete machine shutdown. These cartridge-style indicators are available on most Schroeder pressure, return line, and medium pressure filters and can be used for working pressures up to 5000 psi (345 bar) and cyclic conditions up to 4000 psi (276 bar). /Asset/1455-Schroeder-H_L-Family.jpg